Excellent Product

By Carter Martinez

I've never been able to make coffee that I really like at home. Knowing that it's easy to see how an 18 pod bag is actually only 9 cups of mug coffee.

Microwave a bit of half-and-half in your cup until it foams. Somewhat inconvenient but the coffee that comes out it just terrific.

Anyway, now most of the times the coffee it makes tastes like worm water. The Senseo Coffee Maker is truly easy and efficient and fast and makes a great cup of coffee!

Watch for specials on the coffee products themselves. I think the biggest problem was that I was using the Dark Roast coffee that came with the coffee maker. I heat a little milk for lattes and mochas...just as good as what I get at a drive-thru except I can enjoy anytime in my own home.

I followed the instructions to prep it by running a couple of tanks of clear water through (it came out cold, but that was what it was supposed to do) then immediately brewed a fresh cup of coffee using one pod for a small cup--with creme! If you love coffee just get it. We also just bought a new Senseo to replace an older one that was not heating as fast as it used to.

Simple, elegant and never fails to produce a good cup of coffee. Love the frothing type action. And online at Amazon and lots of other places. The taste is so bad that coffee didn't taste like coffee at all. We went through about 7 of the expensive coffee pots until my sister-in-law told us about this one. It is very convenient and I love the taste and frothy texture.

I also like the option of making my own pods, although the Senseo Sumatra blend is my favorite so far. I would suggest using filtered or bottled water because, in my opinion, it does make a slight difference in taste.

Unfortunately, we have the identical problem with both. If you want hot chocolate, chai tea, cappuccino, etc, Senseo doesn't do that. In my area, I have extremely hard water, and the taste of it is not the best. Coffees come out to about 25 cents each! I make a cup of coffee at a time and it works quickly. I have had the coffee maker about 3 months.

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