How To Make The Best Cup Of Coffee

By Beth Willis

Brass tacks - it all starts with the bean and the roast of your choice. Quality coffee can only come from a quality coffee bean that is properly roasted. The process of roasting a coffee bean is complex and can result in a given bean tasting very different depending on how it is roasted. A dark roast like French Roast or Italian Roast would be perfect for coffee lovers who prefer a bold flavor in their drink. If you like to a light flavor, less intense, choose a lighter roast.

Never use pre-ground coffee. This is because pre-ground coffee tends to lose its essence before you become aware of it. Grinding before you brew will assure you that no flavor is lost due to time.

Filter your cold water when you start brewing your cup of coffee. Water, after all, makes up about 98% of a cup of coffee. Filtering out the water would allow for a purer tasting, and not poorer tasting cup of coffee. The quality of your water can suffer for a number of reasons. Older houses, for instance, have older pipes as well. This affects the taste of water due to the minuscule rust particles. But with filtering, this shouldn't be an issue. The basic rule is the better the water, the better the coffee.

Gold filters are the way to go, and not those messy paper ones. Gold plated stainless steel filters are a huge upgrade over paper. Paper filters will influence the flavor of the coffee in a negative manner. Your coffee's flavor and aroma can greatly benefit from Gold Plated filters, which release natural oils - paper filters don't do that, and in fact interfere with the natural flavor of your coffee. Another plus is that these filters can be reused over and over, and will last a very long time. Not only do you benefit from this, but so does the environment.

Don't add too many extras. We're referring to the cream, sugar and flavoring, which could diminish the experience of drinking a brewed cup of coffee. It becomes harder to know the true taste of the ingredients used if we put too many add-ins.

Part of what makes a great cup of coffee is how and when we enjoy it. We all have our favorite time and rituals. You can enjoy it while reading the newspaper, while chatting with friends or wherever you see fit - the choice is all yours!

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